User | Post |
6:05 pm February 12, 2014
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|  Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
I had my eye on both Boykin and Wheaton. I'm interested to see what happens with them/their roles.
6:13 pm February 12, 2014
| GuitaristX
| | GuitaristX | |
| Admin
| posts 895 | |
We should just keep drafting after this draft ad infinitum, and see how many drafts we can do until the season starts.
6:16 pm February 12, 2014
| ShanePHallam
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| Moderator
| posts 449 | |
GuitaristX said:
We should just keep drafting after this draft ad infinitum, and see how many drafts we can do until the season starts.
Ha, I think the people who voted to downsize the rounds would freak, lol. I could do about 50-60 rounds I think.
6:36 pm February 12, 2014
| johnnyBuz
| | Philly | |
|  NFL Veteran | posts 341 | |
by the time we get to round 20 it stops being "who can predict the future" and is more akin to throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
6:38 pm February 12, 2014
| ShanePHallam
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| Moderator
| posts 449 | |
johnnyBuz said:
by the time we get to round 20 it stops being "who can predict the future" and is more akin to throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
Nah, it becomes a lot about evaluating talent and who has seen some of the fewer snapped guys play I think.
8:17 am February 13, 2014
| Boneys2000
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|  NFL Veteran | posts 267 | |
Zzzzzzzzz,Someone Had to do that once!LOL Off today,YEA! So I will be back after some VERY serious Bowling,to check in. Anyone Like or Hate my Fleener and Jennings picks? I know Jennings wasnt great last year. Hopefully with a new OC the Vikings offense will be better.
8:18 am February 13, 2014
| ShanePHallam
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| Moderator
| posts 449 | |
I was considering Jennings over Sanders, so liked that. Fleener, meh.
9:41 am February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
there goes shonn greene (buz, lol) let's try to get it goin
Wally, debated much? lol
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
9:53 am February 13, 2014
| GuitaristX
| | GuitaristX | |
| Admin
| posts 895 | |
Post edited 9:53 am – February 13, 2014 by GuitaristX
Boneys2000 said:
Zzzzzzzzz,Someone Had to do that once!LOL Off today,YEA! So I will be back after some VERY serious Bowling,to check in. Anyone Like or Hate my Fleener and Jennings picks? I know Jennings wasnt great last year. Hopefully with a new OC the Vikings offense will be better.
Jennings pick was good that late. His situation is unknown as far as QB and what kind of offense Zimmer will run, but grabbing a WR1 from any team that late is SIIICK VALLLUE.
I'm in the "meh" camp on Fleener as well. Had him last year and for having supposed "chemistry" with Luck his stats weren't all that impressive. 52/608/4. Of course, that was virtually double the stats from the year before, so if that trend continues then it was a great pick, lol. The unfortunate thing is that Hamilton's offense isn't TE heavy, using TEs more to block and as check downs on audibles and play action. Don't see a lot of room for big plays in that offense. (As far as TEs go.)
10:25 am February 13, 2014
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
Nice pick CAM.. was between Tolbert & Jaquizz… thought peeps may not like Tolbert… but he is great if you know which game he will get those 2 TDs… i got lucky once last year with him & unlucky about 3 times…
10:59 am February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
I looked at Wheaton a bunch last several rounds…shoulda known there was no way he got by Shane's next 2 picks. oh well! lol
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
11:40 am February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
I am out of here in about 15 mins for a lunch meeting, feel free to txt.
DGB knows he is OTC (saw him on before) and I txtd Cuda that he was on deck…
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
1:38 pm February 13, 2014
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|  Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
Sorry, was in a meeting and had a pick set then realized he was already taken.
1:47 pm February 13, 2014
| Boneys2000
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|  NFL Veteran | posts 267 | |
Im back after some Crappy Bowling. Thanks for the feedback on my last two picks.
1:47 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
DGB just picked, i have txtd Cuda and can pick if i get up. will be at a computer til about 330 pst
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
2:12 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
shocked Hunter is still here….say what you want about sleeper Lattimore but it's Hunter who has shown ability (4.6ypc career), knows the offense already, and is first in line if Gore finally wears down..happy to get him here
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
2:16 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
I have txts Bandwagon that he is OTC and boneys is on deck and I see he is on so hopefully we can turn this around into rd 17 quickly…
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
2:23 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
bandwagon is logging on shortly to pick, boneys don't go far
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
2:28 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
3:36 pm February 13, 2014
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
i'm off now comp now for several hours, txt me if we need to keep it moving…and txt me if i am up i can pick right away
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!