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2:33 pm January 20, 2015
| GuitaristX
| | GuitaristX | |
| Admin
| posts 895 | |
This is the chat thread for the fanatics draft. All draft related chatter goes here. As a courtesy, remember that we have a "no spotlighting" policy if that player has not been picked yet. So, if you have Emmitt Smith on your draft board, don't blab about how you hope he falls to you when your pick comes around again in 8 turns if he hasn't gone off the board yet.
Our soft start is after the pro bowl, and our official start is immediately after the Super Bowl. Good luck to everyone!
8:17 am January 25, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
As you wait for the next guy to pick… and you did not watch SNL last night… gotta watch this…..eflategate
Killed me
4:32 am January 26, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
I think a few of you have my # to text me… shoot me a message when I am on clock…. I will be around most days until 1030 -11… I will send my picks to someone if it gets close to my bed time… thanks P
12:11 pm January 26, 2015
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
Post edited 12:51 pm – January 26, 2015 by GBinSB4ever
The tradition of my rosterbating is surpassed only by the origination of this league (actually they go together lol)
Ballsy bandwagon pick at 4 though truth is I def would have considered him at 5…
Sort of shocked to see Lacy fall…especially with Mccoy going before him given Polk and Sproles there…
Is there a player in the entire first 5 with less of a "bust" factor than Lacy? So safe…and his ceiling is as high as anyone's.
Even with the horrendous first 3 weeks, dude finished with almost 1600, scored 13 TDs and caught 42 balls in 1/2 ppr. Only carried it 246 times so wasn't some 300-350-370+ carry season to get there either. Fucking love it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm spent.
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
12:43 pm January 26, 2015
| NascarBreath
| | |
|  Div I College Player | posts 57 | |
I believe by preseason game 1 or 2, Adrian will be a solid 1st round pick. 4th? Eh, not sure unless it's me at 4. I predict the ADP of AP will settle in at 9.5.
I considered lacy but watching him lately I don't feel good about it. The packers seem to forget he is on the roster sometimes.
12:51 pm January 26, 2015
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
Post edited 12:52 pm – January 26, 2015 by GBinSB4ever
they rest him way too much for the stud he is, but at the same time it keeps him fresh i guess.
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
6:50 pm January 26, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
AP has to admit he did something wrong… if he keeps his stand that HE was in the right about beating his kid… he is going to have some issues… I am happy that i did not have to think about this call…Happy to see my boy BELL get the props.. hope he does well again this year… i thought McCoy might slide a little.. .i think he is a safe pick.. .i see huge bounce back year for him
7:01 am January 27, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
Given it has been 24 hours sense our last pick; shoot me a text if we start up
7:46 am January 27, 2015
| geewill
| | |
|  NFL Rookie | posts 242 | |
Slacker says he'll be on "later".
11:09 am January 27, 2015
| GuitaristX
| | GuitaristX | |
| Admin
| posts 895 | |
Sticking to the rule of no spotlighting, what I think is fascinating is the player that hasn't been picked yet. It appears many were as put off by his past injury woes as I was. I personally think he is a flash in the pan and won't merit the top 3 status he'll probably garner in redraft leagues this year.
1:24 pm January 27, 2015
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
That doesn't count as spotlighting….seriously?
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
1:32 pm January 27, 2015
| GuitaristX
| | GuitaristX | |
| Admin
| posts 895 | |
I think spotlighting is more for the later rounds when decisions could go either way, and you have no idea where a pick could come from. We all know who is still on the board, and who "should have" been picked and hasn't been yet. I mean come on. And if you don't know who I'm referring to at this point, you shouldn't be in a league called "fanatics"!!
3:20 pm January 27, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
GuitaristX said:
Sticking to the rule of no spotlighting, what I think is fascinating is the player that hasn't been picked yet. It appears many were as put off by his past injury woes as I was. I personally think he is a flash in the pan and won't merit the top 3 status he'll probably garner in redraft leagues this year.
I will be putting this line up every few ROUNDS… THAT IS GREAT!!
Reminds me of my redraft league that one time … we kept yelling out.. "HES HURT!!"… just to watch someone ripping through their papers.. saying.. ."what what"… "when did that happen"….
by the way!
3:35 pm January 27, 2015
| bpwallace49
| | Nonya . . . | |
|  Hall of Fame | posts 521 | |
Did this start again yet?
I cant tell from the 38 texts that Jeffy sent me calling me "as big of an asshole as Buzzy" for not instapicking once he finished masterbating all over his Eddie Lacy fathead on his bedroom wall.
3:54 pm January 27, 2015
| bpwallace49
| | Nonya . . . | |
|  Hall of Fame | posts 521 | |
Geewill that was a dick move.
You just ruined Jeffys fantasy of being DPed by Lacy and Rodgers.
Well . . . at least in this league. I am sure he will keep that fantasy for "personal reasons"
4:03 pm January 27, 2015
| GBinSB4ever
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| Moderator
| posts 711 | |
Wally – you're crazy lol wtf
2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!
4:04 pm January 27, 2015
| geewill
| | |
|  NFL Rookie | posts 242 | |
4:17 pm January 27, 2015
| bpwallace49
| | Nonya . . . | |
|  Hall of Fame | posts 521 | |
GBinSB4ever said:
Wally – you're crazy lol wtf
Its OK Jeffy . . . we will always have Dallas . . . :Heart:
4:18 pm January 27, 2015
| apernesky
|  Hall of Fame | posts 551 | |
GOtta love FORTE as a 6th pick… i thought he would be top 3.. .you would think WIKKI had picks 1-5… first steal of the DRAFT 🙂
4:32 pm January 27, 2015
| bpwallace49
| | Nonya . . . | |
|  Hall of Fame | posts 521 | |
apernesky said:
GOtta love FORTE as a 6th pick… i thought he would be top 3.. .you would think WIKKI had picks 1-5… first steal of the DRAFT 🙂
I like the way you think.