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wikkid's 2014 Fanatics Draft Review

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9:19 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Post edited 9:19 am – March 4, 2014 by wikkidpissah

here we go – I'm gonna to try & do something close to what that British guy on Furball useta. of course I'm not well-medicated enough to pull his style off, so here's my own. Position grades, Hinge player & what I would pay to own this team for 2014.

9:28 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team A -


QB: Romo/ASmith/Schaub. Hate Romo, but he's classic mid-rd qb value. Barely adequate depth. Grade: B

RB: AP/QAMorris/Gore/KRobinson/KDavis/CMichael Hoss-hoss-hoss- love it. Bench waaay long on talent, waaay short on job openings. A-

WR: RCobb/Cruz?Amendols/RCooper/ACaldwell/DMoore. Downgrade cuz I remember Cobb was picked b4 JJones, but adequate starters. Don't like anyone on that bench, tho. C

TE: Witten/Fasano/GGraham/FDavis. Beauty 10-ball w Witten. Wasted depth pix.

Hinge: Khiry. Honest2god 1st rd talent who still wont convince Payton to scrap his RB rotation. Gore must also stay ahead of his own 4-man rotation. wikkid say he will.

Value $38. Going to the playoffs

9:37 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team B:

QB: Kaepernick/Cutler/Manuel. Kaeppy invested more in his brand than his game last offseason. He wont make that mistake again. Good bench if he does, tho. B-

RB: Vereen/SJax/MBall/ABrown/Polk/Turbin/Helu/Dunbar. Uh-oh. RB cant make your season like it used to, but it sho can kill it. Don't see a omplete RB1/2 season coming from this crew, tho I like them all. D

WR: BMarshall/TAustin/RWayne/Jerkagain/Edelweiss/MEvans. BMar & a whole lotta ?s. Don't see Austin putting up consistent #s for another yr or 2 & Wayne may be kaput. Evans is realdeal but cant bank on even the best rooks in fantasy. C-

TE: JGraham/Miller/Ebron. Graham's a beeeautiful talent who may well fuss his way out of much of his value, if not his position eligibility. A way minus

Hinge: Edelman. Its entirely possible that BB continues to insist WRs are pawns of his precious genius. Woe to all if he does. Edelman is WR3 elsewhere.

Value: $16. Too much has to happen right to be bankable.

9:44 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team C:

QB: Ryan/Flacco/Locker. 2 most overpaid QBs in ball C+ – the + is in case Falcs go total shootout mode.

RB: Forte/Murray/RBush/MBush/Powell. More bush than a commune swimming hole. Nice top 3, but punting depth may be a minus play. B+

WR: Welker/RWhite/Williams/JaJonesHartlineDobsonWoods. Just adequate starters, decent stabberinis on bench. B-

TE: Pitta's still gotta put in a whole season, but Martellus steps in well. B

Hinge: Dobson If Belichick retains Edelman & gets a field-stretcher, Dobson could have better soph season than Keenan Allen.

Value: $29.98 Any team with a good RB @ flex has a chance, but I just cant quite pay retail.

9:52 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team D -

QB: LuckGlennonBridgewater. I still see more Eli than Peyton in Luck, but the #s should be there. B+

RB: JCharlesTateBlountDLewisGerhartWoodheadWilder. I had Jamaal on all but one of my '13 teams. Guess which one didn't make the playoffs. Even tho Li'l Danny is my abfave FB player, cant see a fantasy starter im comfortable with outside Charles. C+

WR: ABrown/JJones/Bowe/GJenningsJMattewsStreater. Brown (with DJax as mid-late sleepers) made my Fanatics season, but I see defenses solving him a little as a clear WR1 entering '14. Julio in rd3 was steal of upper draft. Great bench. A

TE: FleeenerDAllenEifert. Allen will be best-in-game soon. Eifert will seal ND's rep as the actual opposite of a TE factory. B

Hinge: Bowe/Jennings stepping up

Value: $30.02 The worst team I actually like (tho it will need to make 1st $100 FA RB bid.

9:58 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Post edited 10:01 am – March 4, 2014 by wikkidpissah

Team E:

QB: RodgersPalmerMcCown. Continuing decline of Pack D will turn Rodgers into a total shootout QB (contrary to conventional wisdom< lacy will actuall help that happen) A

RB: LynchSpillerSprolesMcFaddenDJohnsonBibbsTolbert. I warned Spiller pimps last yr that he would be splitting with FJax more than they thought, but the coach knows he has to weapon up in his 2nd season @ the helm, so I like him closer to his real value here. Lynch a perfect anchor for speculation, which aging Sproles & McFathead are. A-

WR: HarvinFlloydHopkinsMWilliamsWatkins. Talent all over this group but I worry how many fantasy bitcoins the guys will yield. C+

TE: JThomasBostickCook. Still kicking myself for giving up on JT after drafting him in all my dynasty leagues. A-

Hinge: Harvin's health, of course but, if Lovie gets Williams back on track he could be the dif.

Value: $40. woulda been a few $s more if skill player taken instead of Sea D

10:08 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team F:

QB: PManningRapelessBradford. Still think PMan was covering big hurt in 2nd half & fear he don't have a whole season left. Bergefrickle excellent step-in, tho A-

RB: FosterDMartinMJDrewSankeySeastrunk et al. Both Foster & Martin are perfect Fanatic draftpix – just the right floor/ceiling ratios. Hatful of good rookie stabs just sweeten the pot A+

WR: CrabtreeWallaceGTateKWrightStills. Entirely possible KWright ends up WR1 here. That's not a good thing C-

TE: GronkFinleyRudolph. Next to watching Woodhead play like a giant, Gronk making evvybody look small is my greatest pleasure as a fb fan. Wish I could get to do it more often…….Rudoph's Norv yr might make him decent backup.

Hinge: Ya kiddin' me?!?! Peyton' sound, youre all playing for 2nd.

Value: $44, dolladollabilly'all

10:15 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team G -

QB: StaffordEliVick. Stafford like Romo – the worse he gets, the bigger his fantasy #s. Plus bench B+

RB: ShadyStacyKnowshonGreeneggsenhamHillmanCarey.  Love the Shade. Stacy wasn't worth 2nd rd but should be steady. Moreno will be Peyton's caddy – bank it. Bench just OK A-

WR: JefferyVJaxTYHiltonBoldinNicksBrittThompkins. Jeffery taken too high but this is a nearly perfectly-drafted WR squad. Top 3 have both floors & ceilings with a couple season-making reclamation projects in the wings A

TE: GatesErtzDaniels. Ick. Anything from rook TEs is a plus, but I still see a timeshare in Philly and the other 2 are yesterday's papers.

Hinge: Shoring up TE

Value: $42. Championship contender

10:21 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team H -

QB: Brees/RG3. Last 2 Fanatics champs have had Brees – nufced. RG3 top trade chip

RB: RiceEllingtonFJaxRJeeningsCunninghamFreemanBakeLattimore. More maybes than a date with IBS. My guess is that not 1 shows shiny side consistently. D++++++++++

WR: DeckerGarconBoykinMaclinBlackmonHunter. Decker will b better than they think. Boykin's worse. Maclin's toast, Blackmon's wasted, Hunter might jus trescvue this bunch C

TE: Clay was really impressive @ times, but I remain unsold. B-

Hinge: Ellington's the real hinge, but I don't wanna talk about him. Lattimore is the PERFECT successor to Gore. I just get the feeling he's '15's news

Value: $21 Only Brees keeps it over $20

10:29 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team I -

QB: FolesManzielBortles. I spent $13 to grab Foles for my Fanatics'13 bye wk & he got 3 yds and a concussion against 0-6 Jints. Trade him to Pornsexy for a used electric cigarette & zzzzzzzzzZOOM. Not sold yet Manziel's pro name will be Johnny Misused, much as I love him. C++

RB: CJ2KJBellHydeSimsIvoryTodmanTWestBallard. Teams I & J seem to have punted RB for major WR corps. Team I did a much better job in the HubieBrown part of that C–

WR: GreenGordonFitzgeraldPattersonESanderWheatonMLee. Best receiving foursome ive see in 20+ yrs of redraft and Sanders could end up being Pats' possession guy this season. A++++

TE: OlsenLGreen. Yeah, OK. B-

Hinge: Cordarelle is my pre-'14 crush, but Ivory is the make/breaker here.

Value: $30. Cant judge. Will make playoffs if owner trade the right WRE to fill the right hole. Could challenge for it all if he don't need to….

10:34 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team J -

QB: BradyRivers. Nufced. A-

RB: RB: I like some of the backs – Ridley & Ingram esp – but I see a season completely devoid of RB starts where a plus game can be counted upon. F

WR: C&AJohnsonDBryanLaFellSmittyMBrown. WR sellout. Damn good sellout. Meh bench A-

TE: VDavisCelek. I think we've gotten to a point where where can only enjoy, not count on, VD's brilliance. B

Hinge: Pierce When praying RayRay gets a long suspension for whackin his bitch is your season key, your team is gonna get slapped down regular. $16

10:42 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team K -

QB: DaltonRWilson: Cinci's gotta stop futzin around, sign Decker & get Andy of his Green-then-who read professions. Wilson's cultivation of his precious leadership skills is souring my mancrush BUT quick. B-

RB: BellRichardsonTMasonMendenhallJStewartJizzquizzABradshawDwyer. Don't hink Bell's talent matches his opportunity & he could be '14's Trent Richardson. Trent Richardson could be '14's Samkon Gado. Whole lotta mebbe behind them C-

WR: DThomasJNelsonKAllenColstonMJonesSJohnsonHDouglas. Team K's mgr did successfully with his WR corps what he didn't achieve with RB's – good old/new mix B++

TE: CameronTWrightToilolo. Both Cameron & Wright did some serious disappearing @ times. Talent's there, tho C++

Hinge: Steward. I want to see one Seasonin the Sun from Stew b4 all is said & done, but Carolina's gotta get off Cam as their RB1 & make him take snaps under C for that to happen

Value: $22 There's some there there, but not enough gel for an aspic.

10:49 am
March 4, 2014


NFL Veteran
NFL Veteran

posts 341

Team L -

QB: CNewtonTannehill. Value better than expected '14 performance. B+

RB: LacyGBernardRMatthewsLMillerStarksDWilsonKHunterJHillJFranklin. Solid floor pix, with great ceiling on Lacy & Gio. Good stabby depth. A-

WR: DJaxTSmithShortsDRogersDBaldwinRRandle. DJax was one of my seasonmakers but he usually finds a way to eventually fuck that up, making him a dicey WR1, even in that O. Lots of talented, disappear-y types behind him. C

TE: JReed. As I said, a rook TE wwho shows anything is an automatic bullet for his soph season. Showing up might be a prob & Fauria aint no depth. B–

Hinge: Randle could firm up that WR group like THAT!

Value: $31. playoff team



11:00 am
March 5, 2014



posts 711

thanks Wikkid – you're awesome!! we miss you already, i mean that.

2011 Fanatics season, proudly sponsored by GuitaristX!!

12:46 pm
March 5, 2014




posts 895

I am sorry that you did not evaluate the kicker position, Wikkid! How you missed such a crucial evaluation is beyond me. Cool


In all seriousness though, this is great stuff! Thanks for your input as always, old bird. 

10:04 pm
March 8, 2014


Straight up G
Straight up G

posts 1709

Love it, DB!!! Thanks for the time and the thought. Great analysis all around.

Hail, hail…

10:26 am
March 12, 2014



posts 449

Thanks wikkid!  Always appreciated!

1:10 pm
April 15, 2014


Nonya . . .

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

posts 521

Miss ya dirty bird

9:40 pm
May 20, 2014


Straight up G
Straight up G

posts 1709

Team I -

QB: FolesManzielBortles. I spent $13 to grab Foles for my Fanatics'13 bye wk & he got 3 yds and a concussion against 0-6 Jints. Trade him to Pornsexy for a used electric cigarette & zzzzzzzzzZOOM. Not sold yet Manziel's pro name will be Johnny Misused, much as I love him. C++

RB: CJ2KJBellHydeSimsIvoryTodmanTWestBallard. Teams I & J seem to have punted RB for major WR corps. Team I did a much better job in the HubieBrown part of that C–

WR: GreenGordonFitzgeraldPattersonESanderWheatonMLee. Best receiving foursome ive see in 20+ yrs of redraft and Sanders could end up being Pats' possession guy this season. A++++

TE: OlsenLGreen. Yeah, OK. B-

Hinge: Cordarelle is my pre-'14 crush, but Ivory is the make/breaker here.

Value: $30. Cant judge. Will make playoffs if owner trade the right WRE to fill the right hole. Could challenge for it all if he don't need to….

A Gordon suspension (which I do not want to happen), is gonna put a dent in this. Could be weathered by a Jeffery-like leap by C Patterson.

Hail, hail…

8:37 am
January 19, 2015



Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

posts 551

wikkidpissah said:

Team K -

QB: DaltonRWilson: Cinci's gotta stop futzin around, sign Decker & get Andy of his Green-then-who read professions. Wilson's cultivation of his precious leadership skills is souring my mancrush BUT quick. B-

RB: BellRichardsonTMasonMendenhallJStewartJizzquizzABradshawDwyer. Don't hink Bell's talent matches his opportunity & he could be '14's Trent Richardson. Trent Richardson could be '14's Samkon Gado. Whole lotta mebbe behind them C-

WR: DThomasJNelsonKAllenColstonMJonesSJohnsonHDouglas. Team K's mgr did successfully with his WR corps what he didn't achieve with RB's – good old/new mix B++

TE: CameronTWrightToilolo. Both Cameron & Wright did some serious disappearing @ times. Talent's there, tho C++

Hinge: Steward. I want to see one Seasonin the Sun from Stew b4 all is said & done, but Carolina's gotta get off Cam as their RB1 & make him take snaps under C for that to happen

Value: $22 There's some there there, but not enough gel for an aspic.

Way to get the most out of my TALENT… pt champ 2 years in a row is as impressive in my mind as this shinny RING

Thanks for the math help

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