User | Post |
8:32 am July 23, 2012
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| Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
… which should just about bring this page to its conclusion…
8:33 am July 23, 2012
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| Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
… should have said "that page" to its conclusion…
8:33 am July 23, 2012
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| Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
… new page 109 is here to confirm it…
8:35 am July 23, 2012
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| Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
… …
8:40 am July 23, 2012
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| Straight up G | posts 1709 | |
… but then I found this one, which I can assume the Doc will find preferrable:
9:49 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
ooh! ooh! excitement!!!
a new pg!!!
can't remember the last time that happened…
9:51 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB said:
… I want to know what everyone is doing to accomplish this for me…
…n' yer holdin' her breath, which is why ya turned blue…?
9:53 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB said:
… I wonder if there is any posting-level beyond 'straight up G'…
not insofar as I've been able to determine
…but I'm still w*rkin' on it…
9:58 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB said:
… and now I think that that's just about enough of that…
oh, I dunno …anythin' worth doin' is worth overdoin', I always say…
9:59 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB said:
… which should just about bring this page to its conclusion…
…and what did it conclude?
10:01 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB said:
… but then I found this one, which I can assume the Doc will find preferrable:
well, I'm a great believer in dimorphism…
10:02 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
10:03 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
mebbe not a great pic, but best of a bad lot…
10:05 am July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
that interweb thingummy gots lotsa nifty characteristics but consistency ain't one of 'em
3:05 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
geez, wait'll ya see the next pg – must be the magic number or somethin'…
3:05 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
first we gotta finish off this one
3:07 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
easy enough – if the last 2 digits of the thread-post# are divisible by 20, it's the end of the pg
3:08 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
DGB can't figger that out n' yet he's apparently got a j*b that pays well…
3:08 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
don't ask me to explain it – I got no head for business
3:09 pm July 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
matter o' fact, the further business stays away from me generally the happier I am
I'm just sayin'…