User | Post |
2:03 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
2:05 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
have I mentioned how much I HATE the formatting here…?
2:06 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
…not to mention that if I try to edit a post it's almost 50/50 to blow me outta Internet Explorer…
2:08 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
…still, I guess it beats digging ditches…
2:09 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
…on the other hand, I got paid for digging ditches…
2:10 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
it's snowing just east of here
2:11 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
I just got a flooded patio
…which is better than having to mow the lawn, but not by all that much…
2:14 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
Post edited 2:15 pm – April 23, 2012 by drmemory
gotta go see John Carter tomorrow – I been waitin' over 40 yrs to see Dejah Thoris on the big screen …I know I'll be disappointed but I still gotta check it out…
2:40 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
…she sure as hell won't be dressed the same…
I thought I'd post one o' the classic Frazetta depictions, but most of those seem to be topless
…still looking…
2:51 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
first one I found that's kinda reasonable-sized…
2:52 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
2:54 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
2:56 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
2:59 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
…and after Frank Frazetta pretty much defined her, other artists of course followed right along…
3:00 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
3:02 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
3:03 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
5:45 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
5:48 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
so many great choices; I could browse for days but I hadda settle on…
[Image Can Not Be Found]
5:52 pm April 23, 2012
| drmemory
| | just east of here… | |
| Straight up G | posts 2908 | |
now that I broke the 3-digit cherry n' kicked my 2nd full pg, I guess I can start thinkin' about re-establishing to my rightful pre-eminence